How can I create multiple users?

Know the steps!

  1. Log in to your Clara account.
  2. Click on the Team section and select Create user.
  3. Download our template.
  4. Complete the requested fields in the User Information tab, following the instructions to avoid any issues or incorrect user additions.
  5. Once the fields are completed, save this file to your device.
  6. Send this document to our team through one of the following channels:


  • Help Center: Log in to your Clara account and click on the Help button located in the top bar of your screen. Once our chat opens, choose the "Users" option and then "I completed the file to create multiple users and want to send it." And you're done!


  • Email: From your business email, send the file to with the following subject: [User Creation File]


And that's it! Our team will work on your request and will contact you once we have created your users or if we need additional information.


Remember, if you want to create a single user, you can do so from our platform by clicking on the Team section and selecting Create user. You only need to complete the requested information.

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