Activity Log


Now you have complete control over the activities carried out in your company's account with new visibility exclusively for you as the account administrator.


More security and confidence for your business.


What is the Activity Log?

  • It is a new feature in the Clara platform that provides a detailed view of what members of your team are doing in the company's account; from creating a user to making a payment, who did it, and when.
  • The Administrator will be able to see the log of up to 90 days on the page.
  • Having this feature will be useful for generating reports of each of the movements made within the session of all registered users.


We want to provide you with more clarity, enhance the security of actions performed in your account, and take your expense management control to the next level.


Who is the Activity Log available for?

It is only available for users with the Administrator role.


How does it work?

The activity log functions as an audit trail, providing confidence, security, and integrity in your account. Here's how it works:

  1. Simply click on the "Activity" section, located in the left-hand side menu under "Company."
  2. If it's your first time accessing it, you'll see a quick introduction about the functionality.
  3. Then, you'll view the "activity log" that has been carried out, with the option to export the information into a CSV document.
  4. You'll also see the last update made on the platform.
  5. Currently, we have the date and user filters, and in the future, we'll also have the action filter.
  6. There you go! You'll be informed about every movement within your Clara account.


What are the benefits of the Activity Log tool?

  • Real-time company activities: Track everything happening in your company, from logins and logouts to edits in roles, amounts, data, users, creation/deletion of cards, and many more actions.
  • Filter activities: Investigate activities thoroughly. You can filter the latest changes made by date range and by user; it will show you when and in which section of the platform they were triggered.
  • Export your data: In the future, you'll be able to download all activity information into a CSV file to track all updates.
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