Reset the 2- step authentication

If you have problems logging into your account due to 2FA issues, you don't remember the password, or you deleted the app you downloaded, now you can reset it, so you can log in to your account, remember that this functionality further protects your account, so you will need to activate it again.

If you want to activate it, you can be guided by these articles:

What is 2- step authentication?
Which 2-Step authentication application do you recommend?


Who can reset the 2-step authentication?

  • Users with recovery codes
  • Owner or Admins of the Clara Account


How to reset the 2-step authentication?

  • Users with recovery codes
  1. Log in to your Clara account
  2. Use a recovery code as a 2-step authentication step
  3. Go to "User information"
  4. Select "2-step authentication"
  5. Use a different recovery code from the one used in step 2
  6. Select "deactivate". When you click it, you will be redirected to the beginning of the platform, for security reasons.
  7. Log in again to your Clara account, with the same credentials
  8. Active the 2-step authentication with the desired app. We recommend Authy app, or Goole Authenticator 
  • Owner resets 2FA to another user

From "Actions"

  1. Log in to your Clara account
  2. Go to the "Team" section in the left menu
  3. Find the user that requires resetting the 2FA
  4. Click on the three dots at the end of the right side, which refer to "Actions" and select "restart 2-step authentication"

From User Administration

  1. Log in to your Clara account
  2. Go to the "Team" section in the left menu
  3. Find the user that requires resetting the 2FA
  4. Open the user's information by clicking on the user's row
  5. Open the "Options" menu, and select "restart 2-step authentication"
  • If the restore user is logged in to the platform, they will be redirected to log in again for security reasons.
  • The restored needs to log in again with the same credentials and activate the 2-step authentication with the desired application- We recommend Authy App, and Google Authenticator.


What are recovery codes?

Recovery codes are random codes made up of letters and numbers that will serve users in case they need to reset their 2FA. These are given to the user once they establish their 2FA and should be kept in a safe but accessible place for future reference if necessary. For example: kayp-lz3p-ke5v-5j1h


What is an authenticator code?

The authentication code comprises six random numbers and is delivered by 2-step authentication applications. For example: 634977

If you have any doubts, you can always find us at

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