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I'm a client
I'm a client
Everything you need to use Clara to the maximum
How do I obtain access to the API?
API Docs
Clara API
How do I integrate my ERP?
ERP integration
Lifemiles with Clara Points
How can I redeem a benefit from any of the partners?
Referral Program
Clara points
Opportunities for savings in your company
Expense review: how to have more control over your company's purchases?
What is a chargeback?
Invoice reconciliation
Notify a unrecognized charge on your card.
3D Secure code
See all articles
Request and approval of cards
Templates to create card
Apple Pay transactions
What happens if I forget my PIN?
How do I activate my Clara card?
How long does it take for my card to arrive?
See all articles
Payments and account statements
How to pay your Clara account ?
My payment was not applied
Direct Debit
How do I get my account statement?
Credit lines
Credit Line Increase Request
My account
Pro and Enterprise plans
Connect foreign accounts with Clara - Plaid
Activity Log
Confirming updates using a one-time code
Report bugs on Clara's platform
What is 2-Step authentication?
See all articles
How do I create a user?
How can I create multiple users?
How to update user information ?
Types of users
Changing the Role of People
Multiple Legal Entities
Additional help:
How can I report a failure on the platform?
Service hours
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